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The Family Vacation Bible School Ministry was held on June 17-20, 2024, 6:00pm-8:30pm, Monday-Thursday. The theme this year was "God's Truth Never Changes".
The week was initiated by the Family VBS Kick-off Sunday, June 16, at 6:00pm, with a Pre-registration Event.
Each night included the following:
~ an excellent family supper provided by the church;
~ Family Worship Services with fun music, hymns, pledges to the flags, Bible memory verse recitations, and Bible Lessons by Pastor Rick's Doug the Dog and Friends;
~ Bible Study Groups for all ages;
~ Recreational Bounce Houses, Volleyball, and other games, Crafts, dessert refreshments, and lots of fun for everyone.
Our special guest Adult Bible Teacher this year was Bro. Mac McLeod, of Dallas, Texas. He preached and taught to a full house each night. We were blessed by the Lord to have 72 people enrolled in the FVBS that week. Our highest attendance night was Wednesday with 65 people present!
The Family VBS Ministry was a great blessing. We rejoiced in the Lord that we had preschoolers, children, teens, and adults present each night, with Bible teachers for each age group of the family.
Recreation was a blast thanks in part to the Del Rio Uvalde Baptist Association's Celebration Station bounce houses and equipment.
Many seeds of faith in the Lord were planted in the lives and the hearts of the people all across the canyon and beyond during this week. We rejoice in the Lord that during this week our church was a light in the canyon for the Lord.
Our Family VBS Director was Kay Smith.